The Revised Art of Direct Response Copywriting

In a world where every company is going digital, there is now a crazy need and demand for copywriters.

SEO requires copywriting. Email marketing requires copywriting. Social media ads and content posts require copywriting. Not to forget Youtube video ads, LinkedIn posts, landing pages, and so much more.

But gone are the days where you can just pick a freelancer to write your marketing campaigns and collaterals. These days, you need an experienced marketer with the knowledge to set up or at least advise you on the various platforms and tools.

Most importantly, you need someone who knows how to sell... both in the traditional face-to-face approach and on the internet.

If that sounds like you... then good news... you've come to the right website. (Read on and see for yourself)

Copywriting Services that Accelerate Your Online Marketing Results

Thinking of building a brand new website or revamping your existing one?

Many business owners leave their website content to their designers or developers only to discover they don't provide writing services. And at that point it's too late as web content writers are going to charge more as there are design restrictions now.

Learn more about my Website copywriting services here...

Want organic web visitors who are actively searching for your product or services?

One of the first things to get right is your website's structure, layout and content. With a well-organised and planned out website structure, it helps the search engines understand what your site's purpose, thus making it easier to rank highly on Google.

Learn more about my SEO copywriting services here...

Planning an email campaign and need a series of engaging emails to captivate your audience?

The naysayers are touting email advertising is dead. Yet these are the marketers who use spamming tactics and ignore nurturing and building a relationship with their list. Email copywriting done right will strengthen these bonds and net loyal customers.

Learn more about my Email copywriting services here...

Special Promotions & Packages for SMEs

1-Day Website Package

Planning a simple yet professional website for your business?

One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs and SMEs face that no web designer mentions... is your website content.

Thinking about what you want to say on the Home page, the About page, the Services page, and so on, is strangely a lot harder than it seems.

Thankfully for you, I've built many SME websites for clients and have even overseen a regional website project for SIM. (Yes, the part-time university.)

So, I definitely know a thing or two about helping you get your business website up and running fast.

And yes, don't worry... while I'm not a designer... your website is guaranteed to look A LOT BETTER than my website. I'll prove it to you with some of my showcase sites. 😉

Sales Landing Page Package

Just running an online campaign and need help building your sales funnel?

As a landing page copywriter, I've had the opportunity to work with different landing page platforms like Click Funnels, Lead Pages, InstaPage and even WordPress.

So, I'm not just helping you write a persuasive sales message... I can actually help you set it up as well.

Plus... I'm familiar with Active Campaign, Infusionsoft, MailChimp and a couple more brands which I've forgotten their names already.

The point is... I've probably forgotten more about copywriting and email marketing than what most other freelancers are aware of.

And did I mention I'm great with email automation as well?

Find out more by clicking the button below.

How Jonathan Can Help You Get More Leads & Customers

(And yes, I wrote that headline in the third person. It makes what I'm about to say more interesting...)

One common and deadly mistake business owners and marketers commit is... relying on content writers to produce sales materials. Terrible, terrible mistake!

If you're just planning to churn out truckloads of articles (for directory submission and press releases) then sure... go ahead and get yourself a content writer.

But if generating sales is your goal... I'm talking about explosive sales growth for your business... then you definitely want a marketer who can deploy effective copywriting techniques to craft your killer sales messages. Whether that's for a web asset, a sales letter, more email sequences, or any other type of content marketing. You want sales copy specially crafted to get you results. Massively.

Each word must pound into the hearts of your audience (potential customers) and force them to take action. Actions that lead to bottom-line money in your bank.

Well... I don't want to blow my own horn... but I am rather good at what I do.

Professional Badges & Certifications

Honestly, I don't care too much for badges and certs but hey... we're in Singapore. So, here are some of the accreditations I acquired over the years to further strengthen my skills and expertise in copywriting, persuasion, and other digital marketing strategies.

List of Jonathan's copywriting certifications

What I Do Differently from Content Writers

Naturally, the more experienced a copywriter, the higher his rates & fees. Currently, at least in Singapore, my copywriting services aren't the most expensive... But I'll be honest and say they aren't exactly cheap either! After all, my techniques and expertise are the cumulative results of my years of practising and constantly improving.

I've studied and tested the different art forms of direct response copywriting, persuasion, sales, and even the different branches of internet marketing.

But what has kept me in this industry for so long is... that I love learning and helping entrepreneurs and business owners tweak and improve their offers.

That's why, when you naturally decide to work with me... you know that I'll always have your best interest in mind. We'll sit down to review and analyse your existing campaigns, solidify your marketing messages... And if need be, I'll help you rework your sales angle or hook.

Because at the end of the day... one thing is guaranteed...

Your business has to grow with my services. Full stop!

New Online Copywriting Agency Launch

Order Online Copywriting Services

Need quality copywriting services at affordable rates and prices?

I've recently teamed up with other copywriters to launch a unique online copywriting agency that provides "Order Online" writing services that are perfect for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

From article writing to authoritative blog posts, we've got you covered.

Plus, if you're building a brand new website, we've got 2 fantastic writing packages to help you get started, especially if you want a simple yet professional website with the content done for you.

Why Me? Here's My Sales Copywriting Experience...

Still, reading and deciding whether to book a call with me?

Just fill in the form on this website and we can have a short call to see if we're a good fit for each other. No obligations... and if you want..,. you can always buy me coffee. (Kopi siew dai is more than enough, I'm a simple guy)

But hey, I know you probably still have questions... And there's way too much for me to say on just one page after all... I've continued to hone and improve my sales and persuasion techniques over the years and brought these skills over to my writing. I've continually worked on creating business writing strategies, marketing tactics, copywriting, persuasion, search engine optimization, NLP, and sales process automation and so much more.

In fact, I'm sure a coffee session with me will open new ideas for you and will prove very useful in helping your business grow.

But before we do meet... why not briefly read about my journey here?

Satisfied & Raving Testimonials

Some Companies & Representatives I've Written For

Copywriting clients Jonathan has worked with