The mystical and mysterious skill known as creative copywriting… is it an Art or a Science?
For such a niche industry, you may be surprise to hear that the professionals here in Singapore and almost everywhere around the world have differing opinions about this.
Some seasoned copywriters with years of experience under their belt claiming that there is a science to this skill… that these art directors rely on swipe files. (In fact any experienced freelance copywriter will have a swipe file of proven copies for their reference and not just a portfolio of their own copies)
The files and documents of their competitors and the work of other established writers in the field.
But is there more to creative copywriting than simply applying a formula?
That’s where the “art” comes in…
Understanding the Creative Aspect of a Copywriter
As I have mentioned, there are many different types of copywriting and the skillset involved.
If you are familiar with advertising agencies or you’ve watched the popular television serial “Madmen”, you may be familiar with the job scope of a creative copywriter.
In a few words, their role is all about…
Creating Brand Awareness.
Helping a company or a firm create marketing materials and messages to engage potential prospects, or to start planting an idea in their minds about the solutions available that helps them solve their problems. Your typical marketing and branding stuff.
These copywriters traditionally focused on creating newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements and other forms of offline media engagements. But these days many have shift to media buy agencies and public relations agencies as the internet took over the marketing world by storm.
Yet for years, there has always been a “rivalry” between creative copywriters and direct response copywriters.
Which style of copywriting ultimately produces results?
After battling it out for years, each trying to prove the other superior, these days, more marketers are starting to discover that both styles may actually belong to the same marketing process after all. Because together they form a much larger marketing funnel. The field of influence and persuasion.
Brand awareness has been proven to bring results. Maybe not as fast or direct as its direct response counterpart… but it targets a larger segment of the market.
And it takes time to introduce and educate a new market about the benefits of your product.
Does Your Marketing Campaign Require Creative Copywriting?
That being said…
Should you engage a creative copywriter for your business?
Here’s a quick and simple checklist to help you decide:
- Do you have the budget to run an educational campaign?
- Which stage of the market awareness are your ideal customers at?
- Is your business financially stable enough to wait for long term results?
- Do you have an existing lead generation strategy in place?
Naturally for best results, you should be running marketing campaigns that use all the different fields of copywriting to cater to each stage of your marketing campaign.
But if you’re looking to scale your business and direct response is not an option, it may be time to consider implanting more brand awareness into your marketing.
That’s where this field of copywriting will help you.
Through the use of storytelling, you have a message that resonates with your target audience. Easier to remember when they need your services. And more importantly, your brand’s voice stands out above the noise your competitors are shouting. Add in some online copywriting elements and your website is just another ordinary (read: boring) digital flyer for prospects to collect information and do more research. It becomes a business communication weapon designed to plant educate while entertaining.
Even better…
Bring in SEO copywriting into your overall story and you have a message that not only educates and converts, but is easily found by the search engines. That means more traffic. And more traffic means more potential prospects and customers. Combined with advertising copywriting for even greater outreach.
Plenty of opportunities and outcomes. But they all start with one important thing… planning out your award-winning campaign.
That’s where an experienced copywriter can add more value to your business and get you the marketing campaign results you want.