Thinking of hiring a sales letter writer for your business?
Traditionally sales letters were mainly found in the direct mail industries. Marketers who regularly blast out thousands of magalogues (sales copy in the form of a booklet or magazine) to generate sales revenue.
In fact, one of the greatest direct mail copy is (now commonly known as the Billion Dollar Sales Letter) is the famous Wall Street Journal Letter… the story of 2 young men.
But what made it so effective?
It wasn’t just an article or a piece of content… the copywriter who wrote it understood something even more important…
Sales Psychology.
This is why it had such high response rate and could pull in the profits. After all, the adage… customers buy on emotions and back it up with logic hold true. Especially in the field of direct response copywriting.
So how does a professional copywriter like myself write a highly persuasive and converting sales letter?
The truth is we use a proven conversion formula.
The Written-Form Sales Letter Formula
One of the biggest benefits of copywriting is that a good converting copy is like a recruiting a top performing salesman for your business.
Only difference?
This salesman is continuously promoting your business, 24/7, never taking sick leave, selling to not one but multiple prospects. At. The. Same. Time.
It’s the secret to mass promotion.
But what makes this such a highly persuasive tool for businesses?
Every good copy will contain several or all of the following elements:
- Attention-Capturing Headlines
- Story-Driven Lead-In or Opening Text
- Key Benefits within the Body Copy
- A ‘To-Die-For’ Offer
- Credibility Boosting Testimonials
- Can’t Turn Down Call-to-Action
Naturally different writers will have a different style of putting these sales formula together. But the key elements or a variation of them will always be there.
Formula alone however, isn’t enough.
You still need to learn how to use the right words and tone to engage, entertain and persuade your reader to finally make the right action…
Buying your product or service.
And to do that you need someone who provides good copywriting services.
How to Find & Engage a Sales Letter Writer for Your Business
Track record and experience in your industry.
Every copywriter will have different strengths and weaknesses. Remember this as a rule of thumb…
The more professional the writer, the better the copy, the more expensive and premium for the service. This is why you want to check out their copywriter portfolio to gauge the ability of the writer.
This may sound bias coming from a copywriter but don’t hold back your budget when it comes to writing sales letters.
Unless you’re familiar with sales in written format and confident of writing a converting copy, outsource to an expert. This is a marketing tool to promote your business and generate sales revenue.
Your business can’t afford to lose sales because of a poor sales copy.
At the end of the day, you want someone who knows how to use copywriting techniques to boost your revenue. And a good sales letter will do that for you.