If you’re planning to revamp your company website into a lethal online selling machine whether in Singapore or anywhere around the world… you’ll need powerful website copywriting services. Creating copy that attracts, persuades and convinces your online readers to engage your business. Not just any plain and simple web content that dumps information about what you do… but engaging copy that captures your audience attention and brings them on a journey…
A journey through your sales funnel to get you more sales.
Unlike traditional marketing channels that either focus on direct response copywriting strategies or creative copywriting strategies… you want web copy that encompasses each stage of your customer buying cycle. Why?
With each content you publish on your online site, it’ll create buzz to get your customers talking and spreading more information about your business. That means more interest which means more enquires and sales. The all important ingredient for any successful company.
So how do these companies do this?
The Secret Online Sales Team Companies are Hiring to Do their “Dirty Work”
As we progress deeper into the digital age, there is only ONE asset every business who wants to success in the Singapore economy must possess today…
A Sales-Generating Website!
Let me emphasize that again… sales-generating.
You may receive pitches from web designer and developers telling you about building a website and why it is important for you business. But if they skip the part about generating leads or sales… RUN!
Get as far away from them as it’s going to do zilch for you.
No offence to these hard-working individuals as they may be professionals and experts in what they do… but business is business. You’re not here to do charity… you’re here to solve a problem and increase your commercial value.
And your business website should be your central point for massive expansion. You’re not a blogger. You’re running a business. And business means sales.
There’s no value or benefit to owning an online brochure people are going to take and toss into the bin. There’s only value when you have qualified traffic and visitors. People who are ready to purchase something from you.
So the question is… what determines a sales-generating website?
Does your Company Website Possess these Sales Skills?
Unless you’re doing some form of advertising for your business, you need a way to get traffic. Not robots but actual people who are going to visit your website, browse and decide to buy something. After all, it is like an online shop for visitors to walk around and fiddle with the merchandise.
To do this effectively, you need SEO copywriting to make your website search engine friendly. For a start, you want to attract customers who are actively searching for solutions on the internet. These are the easiest to convince and convert into a buying customer. Which brings us to the next important copywriting skill your website needs…
Your content has to little by little, educate your audience into becoming a customer.
A common mistake many business owners make with their website is that they release too much information about their business thinking that will convert their readers. Big Mistake.
Your readers don’t know anything about the solution you’re providing. It is your job to guide them by the hand to help them understand how and why they should choose you.
Did I say your job? I meant your website’s job. Provided you’ve “trained” your website to be a sales machine.
And that’s where an online copywriter comes into the picture.
Let A Copywriter Train A Digital Sales Machine For You
You’ve probably heard about having a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and why it is critical to any business success. Yet most businesses don’t have a strong USP. Much less any motivating factor to encourage readers to buy from them.
As a copywriter, I’ll run through your website, your features, your products, your services and more to find out what makes your customers tick. Simple as that sounds, most people aren’t doing enough research to understand their customers. It could be an interview, a phone call, browsing niche forums and blogs or even taking to existing customers.
The goal is to find out what are the problems or fears keeping them awake at night.
With that information, we can present your website, your business as the solution they’ve been searching for. That’s where powerful copywriting really shines.
And that’s how you hire a never-tiring sales team to drive numbers for your company. Probably the best salesman in your company, ready to work 24/7.