Online copywriting has got but one aim… Making sure your company website isn’t just another digital flyer.

You see, unfortunately for most businesses, their websites are nothing more than a billboard on the internet listing the services they offer.

But when it comes to generating sales for their business…

Nothing! A big fat ZERO!

And it’s funny because the reason they decided to build a website in the beginning was… they heard their competitors and many other businesses are making a killing on the digital space.

So they did what everyone else is doing. They bought their domain name, they got their web hosting account, and they engaged a professional web design to set up their online store.

Then they waited eagerly for the first few sales to start trickling in.

But nothing happens!

One month turn to two months… which soon turns to a year… and they’re ready to finally give up on this whole website idea.

Sounds familiar?

Why Most Website Owners Will Never Make A Single Dollar From Their Websites

If you are familiar with the concept of internet marketing (no, you don’t need to start learning this to make your website profitable) and online sales, there are 2 key concepts for success.

Traffic & Conversion!

The first thing any website needs is to gain traction and attention. That’s where the traffic strategy comes into the picture.

For most small business owners however, as budget may be tight, you’ll want to make use of search engine optimization (SEO). While it usually takes about 3-6 months before you see any result, the effects are long term.

But even if you have a tsunami of traffic (web visitors) landing on your website… everything is pointless if they don’t convert into a sale.

Hence the conversion part of the equation.

And that’s where a web copywriter adds value to your business. (Especially one who is trained in SEO copywriting as well)

How A Web Copywriter Increase Your Conversion

To begin with…

A common mistake most people make about their website is that they see each webpage as something that stands alone.

So they get an untrained writer to write their about page, their services page, their methodology page and so on.

Everything becomes disjointed and a key component is missing…

The Natural Flow between Webpages.

Instead a web copywriter understands that every page is designed to do either of 2 things:

  • Build up your brand (company) story – why you are the best choice for them
  • Lead them to your online objective – getting you a lead or a sale

In fact, once you start to see your entire website as an overlapping of information (sales stories) you’ll begin to understand how everything should be interconnected.

Your website isn’t just there to educate or provide a brief introduction to your company…

Your website is there to get your sales. One way or another.

The Online Copywriting Assembly Process

If you’re engaging a copywriter to write your website pages, find out if they understand the importance of a sales funnel and how to build one.

  • Does your copywriter ask you about your goals and objective of your website?
  • Does your copywriter know how you’ll be sending traffic to your website?
  • Does your copywriter attempt to learn more about your audience? (who will visit your website)
  • Does your copywriter understand the purpose of the 4 critical webpage?

Your website functions differently from most of your other marketing materials. Done right… it becomes a powerful marketing asset.

You’ll have a “salesman” who is promoting your business 24/7.

This is why your website content is important to your overall online marketing results. It may be time to give your website the fine-tuning it deserves.

Get Started On Your Digital Marketing Journey With Persuasive Copywriting

I provide copywriting services for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to inject persuasive messages into their marketing materials. It’s like training your salesman to be a better salesman except I’m “training” your website to be a better 24/7 sales agent.